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I currently work at Davenport A+ Elementary School in Lenoir, NC.

Monday, May 27, 2024

5th grade one point perspective art lesson

 5th Grade One Point Perspective Art Lesson 

I'm so proud of how well my 5th graders did on this project. I started off the lesson by introducing one point perspective and showing them examples such as Leonardo da Vinci's last supper. It's a perfect example of how he uses Christ's head as the vanishing point. Thanks to "Open Art Blog" for the great example below. 

Students were instructed on how to draw the horizon line, vanishing point and the orthogonal lines. Don't forget to stress how important it is to draw light!!! The next steps were to draw the road, sidewalk, trees and buildings. Some of the students struggled in the beginning but with help they grasped the concept. 

Once their drawings were complete they traced them with  black permanent markers, colored them with crayons and then added watercolors. 

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