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I currently work at Davenport A+ Elementary School in Lenoir, NC.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Kindergarten Wallpaper flower collages

Kindergarten Wallpaper Flower Collages
It is March and my kindergarteners are getting so much better in their fine motor skills. I  actually got the idea for this lesson by looking at the blog  This lesson took three, fifty minute class periods. 
On the first day students painted the stems with green and yellow paint onto a piece of black 12" x 18" construction paper. 

On the second and third day, students traced circles onto the back of the wallpaper squares(I had cut before) and made flowers. They used various lids and cups for patterns.  Students also added butterflies, caterpillars and bugs to the collages. 

They turned out really neat. 

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

1st grade collage kandinsky trees

1st Grade Collage Kandinsky Trees
Here is another take on Kandinsky's Concentric Circles. This is an idea I found from the blog on
Students love the story of when Kandinsky was a child. I have taught Kandinsky before this lesson so my students were familiar with his story. I'm referring to the book " The Noisy Paint Box" by Barb Rosenstock. 

On day one students used tempera paint and painted their sky and ground. I gave each group of students a paper plate with the paint they needed. 

Students used blue, purple and white for the sky. 

 On the bottom, students used green and yellow to make the grass.

 On day two, students used various sizes of lids and stamped circles on the sky and on the ground. 

On day three students made a tree from black construction paper. 1st graders then traced circles from various lids and used construction paper crayons to decorate them. 

This project was a lot of work, but they turned out nicely. Students loved the results.