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I currently work at Davenport A+ Elementary School in Lenoir, NC.

Monday, October 31, 2016

landscape and scarecrow kindergarten art lesson

Scarecrow and landscape art project

 We began the project by looking and discussing the difference between a landscape, seascape, portrait and a still life. I did a demonstration on how to make a horizon line. Students then could add mountains, trees, clouds, pumpkins and a sun. We used construction paper crayons to color them. This took one 50 minute class period.


The next class period I read the book "The Little Old Lady Who Wasn't Afraid of Anything" by Linda Williams. It is one of the students' favorites and I don't feel it is geared towards Halloween as much. I allowed the kids to work on their landscapes while I read. I didn't show the students the pages because I wanted them to focus on the story and their coloring! 

After the story I provided each table a Tupperware container of construction paper squares and rectangles to  make their scarecrows.
 I encouraged them to  add patches to the pants and shirt as well as buttons etc. Even though I provided rectangles and squares for them to make their scarecrows, I think they still all turned out differently! 

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