My 4th graders really enjoyed this project's process and end results. On the first day, we did mono-printing on Gelli plates that I purchased through an education grant. We used regular copier paper and old pages from a dictionary and tempera paint. They used paint combs, forks, and various found objects to create implied textures on the plates. My students really enjoyed this process and caught on quickly.
On the second day of class, we viewed the many works of Alexander Calder and set to work on our sculptures. Each student was provided with a piece of molding clay and a craft stick/dowel rod. They traced their shapes with various lids etc. and used Elmer's Glue All to attach them to the rod. Students could add beads in between the shapes if they wanted. I made little name tags for them to tie to the base.
Definitely a win for the process and end product! This took three, fifty-minute class periods.
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