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I currently work at Davenport A+ Elementary School in Lenoir, NC.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

1st grade art lesson for yearbook contest

1st grade yearbook contest

I was approached to come up with an idea for our primary school yearbook cover. We decided to have a contest and the winner would be chosen by the office staff.  I found "United We Stand" from a google search and then went from there. I have nine classes of 1st graders with each class having 24 students. On the first class I demonstrated how to draw ovals for heads and then instructed them on how to draw bodies. This did not work for this grade level. Developmentally they weren't ready for this. I decided to provide oval patterns for their heads for the remaining classes.  This was much better!!
I copied "United We Stand" on card stock since the requirements had to be 11" x 8.5". 
Students were then provided with an oval pattern. I instructed them on how to draw the bodies and how to extend the bodies past the "United We Stand" bubble if they needed to. 
Students traced the people with sharpies and used color sticks (colored pencils without the casing) to color. 

Lastly they painted the background and the "United We Stand" bubble with watercolors. 

Not sure of the winner yet! They were awesome! 

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