Kindergarten butterfly art lesson
At my district, the kindergartners do a big unit on butterflies in the spring. They watch caterpillars turn into butterflies and read many stories about them.
To begin the lesson, I showed the students many photos of real butterflies. We discussed the term "symmetry" and drew imaginary lines down the middle of their bodies to show symmetry. We then took a 9" x 12" piece of multi media paper and folded it like a card. We then opened the cards and traced the middle line with our fingers so we could remember that is where we would be drawing half of a butterfly. Believe me, you have to do this part. Many children will not start the body on this line if you don't make them do this!
As I demonstrated, I drew a black line down the middle of my paper so they could see my line ( and reminding them not to draw a black line like mine). I then showed them how to draw half of a body, fold it over and press. Students needed to paint dark so it would print out on the other side of their paper. After the body, I demonstrated how to draw wings, press, and then finally they put some lines or dots on the wings. They were told to not color in the butterfly because on the next art class they would be adding color.
Since I have the kindergartners for 50 minutes, I showed a couple of videos from you tube.
One is
The butterfly Life Cycle (metamorphosis) Song by Mr. R's for teaching and the other is
Caterpillar to Butterfly by QuadSquad. This one shows real footage of the caterpillar changing into the chrysalis to a butterfly.
For the next art class we reviewed the term "symmetry" in art and reviewed symmetry in our butterfly photos.
I demonstrated how to color one shape on a butterfly and then students pointed to where I would have to color the next spot to create symmetry on my butterfly. I showed them several examples before they could begin.
I taught this lesson in May so my kindergartners are almost 1st graders. I would not do this project at the beginning of the year with this level. Most of the students were done in a half hour so they were allowed to read the art books in our art library till class was over.
I found this idea from Cassie Stephens' blog. I just changed it a bit to meet the needs of my kindergartners. Her lesson was for 2nd graders.