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I currently work at Davenport A+ Elementary School in Lenoir, NC.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Japanese Fish Kites 1st grade art

Japanese Fish Kites

On May 5th the people of Japan celebrate Children's Day. On this day families raise a carp shaped flag. There is a legend about a carp that swims upstream and becomes a dragon. As the wind blows the flag it looks like it is swimming. 
I purchased packs of kites from an art supply company. They come in packs of 24 and are very reasonably priced. I think they average about nine dollars a pack.
Each child wrote their name and teacher code along their mouth with a pencil, making sure to write dark.
They were then instructed to color the kites with bright colors and patterns.  We didn't worry about getting all the white spaces because once you spray them with water the colors bleed together. 

Don't forget to have the children cover their tables with newspapers. 

Once dried, we glued a piece of cardboard to the mouth (it comes in the kit) and added a string. 

The 1st graders had so much fun with this project. 

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