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I currently work at Davenport A+ Elementary School in Lenoir, NC.

Friday, December 16, 2016

1st grade crayon resist snowmen

1st grade snowmen

This is another great project I found on Pinterest. I just changed it a bit. It's from
I first showed the students real snowflakes and snowflakes by artists. There are some great videos on the formation of snowflakes on YouTube. 
We also discussed parts of a painting (foreground, middleground and background) and how things in the foreground are usually bigger than the things in the background. 
I provided patterns for the body of the snowmen and students traced them in the foreground. 

Students added details and the land. Make sure to tell students not to add a hat so snowflakes can be added. Trace everything with a sharpie. 
The next step was to draw snowflakes and the wind. I showed them the painting of "Starry  Night" and we discussed the wind. Students drew snowflakes and the wind with a pencil and then traced them with a white  crayon. 
This was day One. 
On day two students painted the sky with cool colors and added watery blue to the sides of the snowman and the land. 

I love these! The children loved them as well.

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